For Business

Learn, Elevate and Transform

From instructor-led training to on-demand learning, we have everything covered for talent performance growth. For business, we are not just a learning platform but your learning partner. Starting with an exclusive Training Needs Analysis (TNA), our business experts work hand-in-hand with clients to accelerate towards success.

Made Learning Simple

We made it simple: whether it's employee onboarding, compliance training, or ongoing skills development, we offer an all-in-one Learning Experience Platform (LXP) that helps you grow your talent. Instructor-led training is also available within our ecosystem.

LXP, the enhanced Learning Management System (LMS)

From goal-setting to learning performance tracking, we have them all within simple dashboard management for the administrators and the learners. Take a look at our easy management dashboard from the platform page.

Built for Talent Empowerment

We believe in the power of empowerment. Nothing works better than having our talents understand their purpose and continuously learn according to the recommended path at their own pace. In addition to the mandatory courses set by the admin, we also offer a personalised and goal-oriented learning experience for our learners.

We Aim for Customer Success

It is not easy to embark on a new learning system; we got it. Our professional customer success team is here to help you navigate the journey. We have 24-hour premium support under our Enterprise Pro plan for LXP.

100% HRDCorp Levy Claimable

Proudly established in Malaysia, we understand what we can do more together. Grow your talent and business more effectively by utilising the HRDC levy. Only applicable to qualified companies registered in Malaysia.

Schedule a personalised 1:1

Maximise your talent's growth starts from here.